Monday, December 9, 2013

Mystery Quilt Clue #2 part 2

The other day I showed you a picture of all my pieces that were cut for Clue #2, here's a reminder....

Before I could sew a stitch I needed to draw a diagonal line on the back of each of the neutral and yellow 2" squares. For the record... that was 976 little squares.

Here is what I have left to sew....

The chevron blocks in the lower left are the finished blocks. In this photo I had 20 done. That's a ton of sewing, trimming, ironing. This is why we get a whole week to sew up our clues. We need the whole week.

Just for the record so far I have CUT 2,604 pieces of fabric that have been sewn (or will be sewn) into 624 3" finished blocks. And I am not even half way done.