Monday, November 4, 2013

Dish Cloth Challenge

As Christmas is just weeks away I thought I would share with you my favorite gift to give friends and family.  Knitted dish cloths.
I just love these little knitted gifts. They are easy to make and the colors can be so pretty. So what's the challenge you ask? Well, when I give a dish cloth as a gift I like to give 4 at a time. Four of these cuties will last you more than a year before the colors fade and its time for some new one. I have 2 sisters, my daughter and my Mom so right there I need 4 sets of 12. Now add in friends and the number of dish cloths I need raises extremely fast. So my challenge this next year will be to knit one dish cloth a week. Just one at a time instead of a mad dash in November and December. One a week will give me 52 dish cloths, seems like a lot but that is 12 gifts and a few for me along with some margins for error if I fall off for a week here and there. 

So what do I (or you) need to make a dish cloth? It all starts for me with my choice of needles. I prefer a brand of needles called Signature. These to me are the best needles I can buy, and I only buy them once in a while as they are at the top end of the price scale. The red needles above are these Signature needles. Next you need the yarn. I use a 100% cotton called Sugar & Cream. That is it. The pattern is so simple that I have it memorized. It takes me about 4 hours to knit one up and that is with starts and stops. Easy peasy.

I have a few done and ready for this Christmas. It looks like just family will be getting them this year but next year I hope you are on my nice list so that I can give you a handmade beauty :)


  1. WOO HOO....thank goodness I'm family!! I always love these dishclothes - if only I could make my own!!

    1. Give a man a fish...maybe you will get some needles and yarn instead so you could make your own!! Just kidding.

  2. Love your knitted dishcloths. I also make them for gifts. Gave away several last year.
    I knit with bamboo knitting needles and I use Peaches & Creme and Bernat cotton yarns as well as Sugar'n Cream.
