Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tool Time Tuesday- The Computer

When thinking what tool I wanted to highlight today I think I might surprise you that my favorite tool is the computer. Its spans across all my fiber arts and keeps me connected to those outside my 4 walls.

  •  www.youtube.com to learn a new technique or to refresh my memory on just how is that stitch made. I also used it for research when I was thinking of buying a longarm quilting machine. I was able to watch video and video to get and understanding of what I wanted. I am now researching a drum carder.
  •  www.ravelry.com is where I go to look at knitting or crochet patterns and record my projects. This site also hosts the Tour de Fleece where we challenge ourselves to spin so much each day during the Tour de France (which I watch EVERY year). They also have the Ravelyolmpics to challenge us to knit a project (and finish) during the Olympics. All fun and games and no one gets hurt.
  • Picasa is where I store all my photos. I am able to edit my pictures and use them here in my blog or on facebook.
  • www.pinterest.com is a great site to store images of quilts that I like due to the color or the pattern or the quilting. I pin pictures of spun fiber and finished knitted items. I even pin pictures of others peoples studio.
  • www.etsy.com is where I go to see what others fiber arts are selling. Helps me when I get a commissioned piece to show client that my prices are not crazy.
  • Online shopping. While I prefer to shop local we are not exactly over run with quilt shops and yarn stores. 
  • Blogs- reading other peoples blogs is inspiring and sometimes the kick in the butt I need to get moving on a project. Also great for participating in quilt along, where people from all over work on the same quilt and post pictures. Great to see how other interpret a pattern.
I really am attached to my computer for all my fiber needs. I encourage you to visit a few sites and just snoop around, you never know you may end up with a new skill.

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