Friday, December 6, 2013

Dish Cloth Challenge Help

As I am sitting on the sofa watching some TV thinking about my challenge 52 dish cloths over 52 weeks. I was able to give 4 dish cloths to my daughter , my two sisters, and my Mom this year. (No spoiler as they already opened their gift at Thanksgiving.) However I need to add to this my son  who is getting his own apartment this month and then my nephew and my niece who have their own apartment; they live together.  So my count just went up to 7 family members.  If I add 4 a year for me I need to knit 32 dish cloths each year to keep everyone in dish cloths.

My Mom is going to try to join me in my challenge as she likes to give dish cloths to friends and students. Just because my Mom makes her own I still make some for her and she always different patters than the normal ones I knit everyone else.

For those of you who want to join my challenge I found an instructional video that may help. Just click on the link and you can watch the video over and over as many times as you need.

Learn to Knit a Dishcloth

Let me know if you are planning to join in the challenge :)  My count so far: 2

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